The Asteraid netinstall ISO is a minimal installation image that allows you to install Asteraid over a network connection. Here are the network requirements and considerations for using the Asteraid netinstall ISO:

1. Internet Connectivity

2. Network Hardware Support

3. Network Configuration

4. Repository Access

5. Proxy Servers

6. Driver and Firmware Considerations

7. Other Considerations


To use the Asteraid netinstall ISO, you need a reliable internet connection, supported network hardware (preferably Ethernet), proper network configuration (DHCP or static IP), access to Asteraid mirrors, and possibly additional firmware for some network cards. Preparing for these requirements will help ensure a smooth installation process.

Download Asteraid netinstall ISO

Installing an operating system (Asteraid) from an ISO file involves several steps. The ISO file is a disk image that contains the Asteraid installation files. Here’s a detailed guide on how to install an Asteraid from an ISO file, covering common methods for both physical and virtual installations.

1. Burn ISO to a USB Drive or DVD

Using a USB Drive:

  1. Download Asteraid netinstall ISO: Obtain the ISO file of the Asteraid you want to install
  2. Choose a USB Drive: Ensure the USB drive has enough storage capacity for the ISO file (typically 4 GB or larger).
  3. Burn the ISO to the USB Drive:

Using a DVD:

  1. Download Asteraid netinstall ISO: Obtain the ISO file.
  2. Choose a DVD: Ensure you have a blank DVD with sufficient capacity.
  3. Burn the ISO to the DVD:

2. Boot from the USB Drive or DVD

  1. Insert the USB Drive or DVD: Connect the USB drive or insert the DVD into the target computer.
  2. Access BIOS/UEFI: Restart the computer and enter the BIOS/UEFI settings (typically by pressing a key like F2, F12, Del, or Esc during startup).
  3. Change Boot Order: Set the USB drive or DVD as the primary boot device.
  4. Save and Exit: Save changes and exit BIOS/UEFI. The computer should now boot from the USB drive or DVD.

3. Install the Operating System

  1. Follow On-Screen Instructions: The computer will boot into the Asteraid installer. The installation procedure does not require administrator participation. This typically involves:

  2. Complete Installation: Allow the installation process to complete.

  3. Remove Installation Media: Once the installation is complete, remove the USB drive or DVD.

4. Post-Installation Setup

  1. Obtain an IP address: IP address of system will be present on console.
  2. Set root password: Default root password is empty, ssh login not possible until you change it.
  3. Configure Asteraid: After installation, go to https://IP.ADDRESS.OF.SYSTEM and follow on screen instructions to configure your system.

Installing an Asteraid in a Virtual Machine

If you’re installing the Asteraid in a virtual machine (VM), the process is slightly different:

  1. Download and Install Virtualization Software: Examples include Proxmox, VirtualBox, VMware, or Hyper-V.
  2. Create a New Virtual Machine:
  3. Attach the ISO File:
  4. Start the VM:
  5. Follow On-Screen Instructions: Complete the installation as you would on a physical machine.

By following these steps, you can install an operating system from an ISO file either on a physical machine or within a virtual machine environment.